Sunday, October 08, 2006

So much to do, so little time...

its 6.30 am, and i only JUST finnished the assignment i have to hand in at 9.
Ive been up all night, and im on the biggest coffee buzz of my life! I dont drink coffee to much... it tends to makes me jittery, but who could refuse the dumpster goodness of 100% Organic Aotearoa plunger coffee?

Take Back the Night is 3 weekends away and it seems that mores being added to the agenda than being crossed off!
So many deadlines, its hard to keep up!

It was nice to talk to Danny Vegas earlier in the week, its been too long. Thanks for putting a much needed smile on my face brother. Im glad everythings going well for you... i can't wait to meet up in Canada like we planned. All of that should be getting done in the next month, so expect an email with dates soon.... and i BETTER see your smiling face on arrival, or i will be MOST disappointed! :D
I'll post some photos soon, like i promised.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


AAFS (Auckland Anarcha Feminisit Syndicate) has organised another TAKE BACK THE NIGHT on October 28, at 7pm, in Aotea Square.
TAKE BACK THE NIGHT is an event opposed to Sexual and Domestic violence. We are hosting the event around halloween, to emphasize the persecution of womyn throughout time.
A witch theme is being incorrporated into the event as a symbolic gesture of standing against the oppresive persecution of Womyn healers and Natural Midwifery.
We are hosting a Rally, March and gender workshops for both Womyn and Men. Free food is going to be distributed at the Rally.
please forward this message to anyone who you feel would be interested.
We hope to see you there!

some photos from TAKE BACK THE NIGHT 05 AKL

Womyn at the rally

Mens Workshop in the Park.

The March up Queens Street.